Get involved

Get involved

If you are a business located in, or near, one of our partner regions (Cheshire, East Sussex, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, The Peak District & Derbyshire and West Sussex), and fit within our criteria then we'd love to have you involved with Gourmet Garden Trails!

Firstly, take a read of our Introduction Document and the criteria inside of it which is here

If you feel you fit into the criteria of the type of business we are looking for then simply get in touch with our team at, who will be happy to send over a 'Business Content Form'. This is a sheet of information which you will need to fill out from business info to opening times to things such as your target market.

You'll then need to return this completed form with some photos to the same address, and that's all that needs to be done! You will featured on the website once you have been approved, and fingers crossed receive some bookings!